Game Control Plus  1.2.2
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Inheritance diagram for

Static Public Attributes

static final Key VOID = new Key("Void")
static final Key ESCAPE = new Key("Escape")
static final Key _1 = new Key("1")
static final Key _2 = new Key("2")
static final Key _3 = new Key("3")
static final Key _4 = new Key("4")
static final Key _5 = new Key("5")
static final Key _6 = new Key("6")
static final Key _7 = new Key("7")
static final Key _8 = new Key("8")
static final Key _9 = new Key("9")
static final Key _0 = new Key("0")
static final Key MINUS = new Key("-")
static final Key EQUALS = new Key("=")
static final Key BACK = new Key("Back")
static final Key TAB = new Key("Tab")
static final Key Q = new Key("Q")
static final Key W = new Key("W")
static final Key E = new Key("E")
static final Key R = new Key("R")
static final Key T = new Key("T")
static final Key Y = new Key("Y")
static final Key U = new Key("U")
static final Key I = new Key("I")
static final Key O = new Key("O")
static final Key P = new Key("P")
static final Key LBRACKET = new Key("[")
static final Key RBRACKET = new Key("]")
static final Key RETURN = new Key("Return")
static final Key LCONTROL = new Key("Left Control")
static final Key A = new Key("A")
static final Key S = new Key("S")
static final Key D = new Key("D")
static final Key F = new Key("F")
static final Key G = new Key("G")
static final Key H = new Key("H")
static final Key J = new Key("J")
static final Key K = new Key("K")
static final Key L = new Key("L")
static final Key SEMICOLON = new Key(";")
static final Key APOSTROPHE = new Key("'")
static final Key GRAVE = new Key("~")
static final Key LSHIFT = new Key("Left Shift")
static final Key BACKSLASH = new Key("\\")
static final Key Z = new Key("Z")
static final Key X = new Key("X")
static final Key C = new Key("C")
static final Key V = new Key("V")
static final Key B = new Key("B")
static final Key N = new Key("N")
static final Key M = new Key("M")
static final Key COMMA = new Key(",")
static final Key PERIOD = new Key(".")
static final Key SLASH = new Key("/")
static final Key RSHIFT = new Key("Right Shift")
static final Key MULTIPLY = new Key("Multiply")
static final Key LALT = new Key("Left Alt")
static final Key SPACE = new Key(" ")
static final Key CAPITAL = new Key("Caps Lock")
static final Key F1 = new Key("F1")
static final Key F2 = new Key("F2")
static final Key F3 = new Key("F3")
static final Key F4 = new Key("F4")
static final Key F5 = new Key("F5")
static final Key F6 = new Key("F6")
static final Key F7 = new Key("F7")
static final Key F8 = new Key("F8")
static final Key F9 = new Key("F9")
static final Key F10 = new Key("F10")
static final Key NUMLOCK = new Key("Num Lock")
static final Key SCROLL = new Key("Scroll Lock")
static final Key NUMPAD7 = new Key("Num 7")
static final Key NUMPAD8 = new Key("Num 8")
static final Key NUMPAD9 = new Key("Num 9")
static final Key SUBTRACT = new Key("Num -")
static final Key NUMPAD4 = new Key("Num 4")
static final Key NUMPAD5 = new Key("Num 5")
static final Key NUMPAD6 = new Key("Num 6")
static final Key ADD = new Key("Num +")
static final Key NUMPAD1 = new Key("Num 1")
static final Key NUMPAD2 = new Key("Num 2")
static final Key NUMPAD3 = new Key("Num 3")
static final Key NUMPAD0 = new Key("Num 0")
static final Key DECIMAL = new Key("Num .")
static final Key F11 = new Key("F11")
static final Key F12 = new Key("F12")
static final Key F13 = new Key("F13")
static final Key F14 = new Key("F14")
static final Key F15 = new Key("F15")
static final Key KANA = new Key("Kana")
static final Key CONVERT = new Key("Convert")
static final Key NOCONVERT = new Key("Noconvert")
static final Key YEN = new Key("Yen")
static final Key NUMPADEQUAL = new Key("Num =")
static final Key CIRCUMFLEX = new Key("Circumflex")
static final Key AT = new Key("At")
static final Key COLON = new Key("Colon")
static final Key UNDERLINE = new Key("Underline")
static final Key KANJI = new Key("Kanji")
static final Key STOP = new Key("Stop")
static final Key AX = new Key("Ax")
static final Key UNLABELED = new Key("Unlabeled")
static final Key NUMPADENTER = new Key("Num Enter")
static final Key RCONTROL = new Key("Right Control")
static final Key NUMPADCOMMA = new Key("Num ,")
static final Key DIVIDE = new Key("Num /")
static final Key SYSRQ = new Key("SysRq")
static final Key RALT = new Key("Right Alt")
static final Key PAUSE = new Key("Pause")
static final Key HOME = new Key("Home")
static final Key UP = new Key("Up")
static final Key PAGEUP = new Key("Pg Up")
static final Key LEFT = new Key("Left")
static final Key RIGHT = new Key("Right")
static final Key END = new Key("End")
static final Key DOWN = new Key("Down")
static final Key PAGEDOWN = new Key("Pg Down")
static final Key INSERT = new Key("Insert")
static final Key DELETE = new Key("Delete")
static final Key LWIN = new Key("Left Windows")
static final Key RWIN = new Key("Right Windows")
static final Key APPS = new Key("Apps")
static final Key POWER = new Key("Power")
static final Key SLEEP = new Key("Sleep")
static final Key UNKNOWN = new Key("Unknown")

Protected Member Functions

 Key (String name)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from
 Identifier (String name)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from
String getName ()
String toString ()

Detailed Description

KeyIDs for standard PC (LATIN-1) keyboards

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Protected constructor

Member Data Documentation

final Key = new Key("Void")

Standard keyboard (LATIN-1) keys UNIX X11 keysym values are listed to the right